bits and bobs

I meant to post this little card last time, but completely forgot - this is a test that I did a while ago for a Christmas card idea. Since I send so many cards, this isn't really feasible unless I start making them months ahead of time! The strips of fabric are sewn together on the machine, then pressed and the edges are trimmed with pinking shears. Then it's sewn onto the card by hand with some sequins.

The text is made using a xerox transfer. You have to use a copy machine that uses toner (no laser printers) to print your text or a picture. Whatever you print will be backwards after it's transferred. You place the printout face-down on the fabric and apply xylene to the back of the paper. Xylene is a chemical that happens to be in prismacolor and other fancy markers, so I used a colorless blender prismacolor marker for this project. They cost less than $5, but if you're doing a bigger project, you can buy xylene at art supply stores.

Last weekend I taught Destiny how to sew. Destiny is my 12-year-old Little Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. We made these tiny cute tote bags (hers is the red one). I had a lot of fun making a tiny project - I love finishing things! She was so patient with her sewing and I think her project turned out fantastic. I don't know what I'm going to do with mine, but I'm pleased that I finally found a use for the washer that had been hanging out in my button jar (it's stitched on the middle of my bag with purple thread!).


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